The modular multi-head system allows you to…

  • die Einrichtzeit zu minimieren.
Gruppieren Sie die Maschinen mit nur einem Klick, um danach auf allen dasselbe Muster zu laden und dieselben Einstellungen vorzunehmen.
  • maximale Flexibilität.
Lassen Sie alle Maschinen unabhängig voneinander produzieren. Wenn eine Maschine stillsteht produzieren alle anderen trotzdem weiter.
  • Bessere Infos für den nächsten Schritt
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Thanks to all these factors, you save up to 50% of your production costs in embroidery!

Case study – Increasing efficiency with the modular system

The biggest cost factor in embroidery in Europe is labor costs and therefore working time. In order to remain competitive and to be able to deliver as quickly as possible, it is therefore essential to use the valuable manpower as efficiently as possible – this is best achieved with the modular system. The following video shows a comparison between two 6-head embroidery machines, one modular and one conventional:

Other advantages of the modular system

Besides the huge savings in downtime, the Melco EMT16X modular multi-head embroidery machine also offers many other benefits to help your business succeed in today’s embroidery market. Nowadays, order quantities are getting smaller and smaller, while the number of orders continues to grow. Customers expect fast delivery at favorable conditions. To be prepared, the following points are guaranteed to help: